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Target group: Legal entities organized in the form of a 100% private company, with headquarters registered (or in process of registration) in Macedonia and if they work mostly in Macedonia, not employ more than 100 people on the day of the loan application, artisans and natural persons, individual entrepreneurs, family businesses, performers of activity (who possess adequate powers) citizens of Macedonia. It is necessary loan applicant performs an activity without interruption for at least 6 months before the submission of loan application. If economic activity is or has been discontinued for personal reasons during the three months before the submission of the loan application, it is necessary to business evidence for at least 6 months within the past 9 months before the submission of the loan application.

Eligible ActivitiesCompanies from manufacturing sector, farmers processing raw materials, services or trading sector;

Subject to credit: Fixed assets (equipment, machinery, installations, constructions, land, renovation and modernization of operating facilities and production facilities; 10% of the total value of the investment can be used for working capital (supply of raw materials, merchandise and other materials)

Loan amount: Maximum amount 300.000,00 EUR 


  • EUR for payments abroad
  • EUR in denar counter value calculated at the exchange rate applicable to the parity EUR / MKD quoted in an indicative list of the date of settlement of payments in the country

Interest rate:

  • 5,5 % per year fixed, for short term loan
  • 5,5 % + 6m EURIBOR, for long term loan

Upfront fee: 1% from the amount of the loan

Repayment period: Up to 30.12.2027, with a grace period of up to 12 months

Repayment: Monthly installments

Collateral: According to the Credit Politic of the Bank, depends on amount of the loan 

Sectors excluded from financing:

  • Production and trade of weapons or persons involved in the production or trafficking of arms, military equipment
  • Production of alcohol ( beverages exceeding 22 degrees alcohol )
  • Production or trade involving endangered species
  • Manufacture of tobacco
  • Companies or individuals involved in the activities of a casino , speculation in currencies , investment and speculation in securities of any kind , or buying and selling real estate for speculative purposes
  • To avoid financial projects with high environmental risk (read more). 

Subprojects that will be financed with sub loans should be designed in accordance with and be consistent with relevant environmental, health insurance standards including existing environmental laws and regulations of Macedonia.

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