

Adequate support on a timely basis is the key to success of every business. Combination of a wide variety of a financial products which we offer throught our branches and free of charge consultation makes us a reliable partner on every business.

The purpose of loans for working capital is financing of current business activities (purchase of materials and merchandise, financing of current manufacture, strengthening of current liquidity) as well as refinancing of existing liabilities.

Loans can be approved with maturity of up to 3 years, with repayment period and dynamic in accordanse to the business cycle of the client . Amount of the loan, term and the repayment will be according to your requirements.

The Bank approves the following loan types for financing working capital:

  • Loan with equal montly instalment  (up to 36 months) - MKD loan, MKD loan indexed to FX, FX loan.
  • Revolving loan (up to 12 months) - MKD loan, MKD loan indexed to FX, FX loan. These are used successively, in tranches, and during the utilisation period the client regains the right to repeat use of loan tranches upon repayment of every individual tranche, provided that the total amount of outstanding loan tranches does not exceed the agreed revolving amount.
  • Your company  can also use loan for working capital from credit lines that Bank use at this moment. Info for the credit lines you can found  on following link: Credit lines.

Collateral: Combination of the following instruments: promissory note in form of a notary act; physical entities guarantors; mortgage on real estate, pledge on movables and rights, other collateral acceptable to the Bank.



  • Flexible terms of repayment the loan in accordance to your business needs and ability for payment;
  • Provide possibility for purchasing the stock for a business using with discount which can increase the business profitability;
  • Successful managing financials of the company and make effective cash flow management  through your business;
  • Having a sufficient amount of working capital will helps to your business  to ensure a business's ability to meet any contingency.

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