

Spend and save with the new product of Halkbank AD Skopje!

E-Savingbox is a simple way of saving with the daily use of MasterCard Debit Contactless card from Halkbank.

With each transaction made with this type of debit card on every POS terminal and virtual POS terminal of any bank, a certain amount increased above the amount of the POS transaction will be transferred to your special savings account (designed exclusively for this type of savings).

How does it work?

  • Choose a way of saving during contact singing:

    1.     Rounding the amount to the nearest whole number (selection 10,50,100,200,500 denars)
    2.     Fixed amount of each transaction made (selection 10,20,50,100 denars).
  • If you are not user already, apply for MasterCard Debit Contactless Card from Halkbank.
  • Minimum amount on the deposit when it is opened on the day of signing the contract: 100 denars
  • Follow all changes (payments and withdrawals) on the deposit of our e-banking or mobile banking


Rates and Fees

  • Interest rate: 0.80%
  • Time deposit period: 12 months
  • Payment of interest: the end of the maturity period
  • Interest rate: Fixed
  • Method of calculation of interest: proportional method (28/31-365/366)
  • With possibility of partial withdrawal of the deposit before the maturity date, on the withdrawn amount the Bank calculates interest with interest rate on demand, while the rest of the amount an interest rate according to the contract.
  • At maturity, the deposit is automatically redepositing according to the contract.
  • In the event of early termination of the deposit, the bank calculates interest on demand according to the Bank's Interest Rates.

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