Approach to sustainability

One of the biggest challenges for society is sustainability, in all its forms. Sustainable development is the dominant paradigm today because its essence is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. That is why it implies the harmonization of environmental protection, social equality and economic requirements. It also means responsible and proactive decision-making and innovation that minimizes negative impact and maintains the balance between social, environmental and economic growth to ensure a desirable planet for present and future generations.

As the challenges mount, so does the sense of urgency where governments and businesses need to step in and help address them. As the world continues to grapple with the challenge of climate change, the financial industry, particularly banks, have a vital role to play in facilitating the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Since transformations and lasting changes can only be made through a comprehensive approach, in which each individual should make his own contribution, Halkbank has a vision to contribute to the balance of economic, social and environmental impacts in all areas where they create value. We are aware of the environmental and social responsibilities that the financial sector has to undertake and therefore it is our responsibility to be part of the transition to a sustainable society and economy.

Halkbank strives to contribute to an environmentally sound, socially inclusive and well-governed world. It implies, on the one hand, the implementation of digitization practices that will accelerate the transition to reducing emissions, waste management and paperless banking, minimizing the carbon footprint resulting from its operations. On the other hand, creating products that can meet the needs of the transition to a green economy. Here, in addition to investments in facilities for obtaining renewable energy sources, investments in energy efficiency measures are especially important, because the concern for energy efficiency starts with each of us and can bring numerous benefits to every household, and more importantly, to the environment. But at the same time as our financial expertise and product offerings, we strive to pave the way to a more sustainable and climate neutral way of doing business. Thus, with our financing solutions, we facilitate the transformation of business operations and sustainability of our customers.

We also strive to create a shared awareness of sustainability by making a direct contribution through our socially responsible practices in the local community as part of the sustainability strategy. For Halkbank, being a successful company in the long term means building and maintaining long-term partnership relationships with clients, but also providing additional value for each of them, as well as for associates, shareholders, employees and the community. Respecting all high ethical standards we strive to introduce innovation and ensure sustainable business growth, while creating value for all stakeholders, raising awareness, educating, being advocates for positive change.

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