We create additional values ​​for customers, shareholders and employees

We have created a bank that is close to people, that works for citizens and facilitates the path to fulfilling their needs. Every day we create personalized banking services, introduce new technologies and provide fast service through a highly developed, modern platform of alternative channels. All of this enables the citizens and our customers to have the best banking experience, and represents us as a bank that can always meet the needs of the citizens.

With this relationship and building the products according to our corporate slogan "People are important", we became the fastest growing bank and leader in the portfolio and the offer. At the same time, guided by the idea that in order to grow as a bank we must take care of our customers, their needs and wishes, Halkbank constantly strives to create products tailored to the users.

Through efficient implementation of all banking services, we become stronger in both products and services and continuously create additional values for customers, shareholders and employees. In this way, we are building a reputation as a modern financial institution, which provides its clients with top quality in providing all financial services.

By creating products targeted at the needs of small and medium enterprises, we have become recognized as a bank that supports business. At the same time, we continue to support the projects of the business community through credit lines from international financial institutions. And with this operational strategy, we contribute to the development of industry and economy in the country.

In terms of lending to the population, Halkbank offers credit products that we try to have really favorable conditions on the domestic market, thus meeting the needs of the citizens. And precisely by following the needs, trends and changes in modern life, as a bank we constantly upgrade existing services and introduce new ones, thus we strive to keep pace with new technologies and play the role of a market leader when it comes to modern channels of banking operations.

This policy and this attitude towards the population puts us in the focus of citizens and companies when choosing a bank. The same results in a permanent growth of satisfaction from the mutual relationship of both parties.

By effectively offering all banking services, with awareness of our corporate social responsibility and duty to contribute to the development of the banking sector and the capital market, we achieve a preferred position in the market. Based on this and guided by our corporate values and principles to offer excellent service to our clients, proposing the best solutions for their needs, to create and apply a successful corporate culture, giving importance to each member of the team who building, our mission is to be the leading bank in the region capable of performing all the requirements of universal banking while asserting a strong presence in services in the population domain.

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