We are creating an environment, today and for the future

The environment brings us all together. We all breathe the same air, grow and live under the same sun, we have one common home - planet Earth. It is our heritage and our future, so we should all protect it together. With this motto and with the idea to cause a positive wave of change, we embarked on one of the noblest missions, building environmental awareness and creating an ecologically clean environment. For the improvement of the environment, we started and continue to implement several projects related to the increase of green areas, the reduction of the emission of harmful gases, recycling and the increase of public eco-awareness about the need for active involvement in environmental protection.

In the past period, the bank dedicated itself to the improvement of the environment through numerous activities that affect it. One of the most extensive activities that takes place continuously and due to the results shown is becoming more widely accepted and popular is the HalkEco platform. Through this platform, citizens are encouraged to exercise as much as possible, exercise, run, walk and replace cars with bicycles in order to reduce the emission of harmful gases in the air, and for their activity the bank plants trees and increases green areas in urban and rural areas. So far, trees have been planted and areas have been greened in several cities across the country, and we aim to contribute new seedlings and greenery throughout the country.

We remove the branches for action in ecology from the very territory of our action. In this sense, we became the first bank in the wider region to join the global initiative of our partner MasterCard to protect the planet Earth.

In the direction of strengthening public awareness of the need for environmental changes and at the same time as an additional incentive for all those who practice a healthy lifestyle and thereby protect the environment, we organize the HALK VELO GREEN bicycle race on the slopes of Mavrovo and this as part of HalkEco the platform, which has become a tradition. As part of the HalkEco initiative, Halkbank AD Skopje is setting up eco bus stops in several neighborhoods, at the most frequented places in the capital.

Because we believe that change starts from ourselves, the idea and action of creating an ecologically clean environment first spread throughout our premises by creating green gardens, thus we transmit the values of environmental sustainability to our employees.

Our environmental awareness is active in several fields, and waste as one of the essential problems and polluter of the environment and ambient air, is also the focus of our interest. Therefore, within the framework of our operations, we implement and practice smart selection and recycling of waste, thus taking another step towards protecting the environment, and at the same time we give new useful value to the waste itself.

The commitment so far in the mission to protect the environment and raise the environmental standards in the country and in the daily behavior of the citizens, has shown extraordinary results, such as a reduced emission of harmful gases expressed in numbers and planted seedlings also expressed in numbers. With these benefits and with the support of the citizens, the bank remains committed to its mission and creates an ecologically clean and healthy living environment for future generations.

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