

Most secure technological solutions provide you with timely and quality payments. Most of our innovative solutions is giving you possibility to make all transaction in fast and secure way.

Open FX account in Halkbank and make all your payments through our branches and e-banking.

If You still don't have account visit the nearest Branch of Halkbank Inc. Skopje and be a member of our family.



Make your payments and receive inflows through Halkbank fast and safe.

You can make all your transaction through our e-banking.

You can make all your transactions with attractive fees.

Why to choose Halkbank:

  • fast and efficient payments
  • professional advise for all your transactions
  • atractive fees
  • possibility to pay thgrouh e-banking
  • maximum sexurity of your informations

Corresspondent Banks

Correspondent Banks

Currency Correspondent Bank SWIFT/BIC
AUD Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main COBA DE FF
CAD Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main COBA DE FF
CHF Zürcher Kantonalbank, Zürich ZKBK CH ZZ 80A
DKK Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main COBA DE FF
EUR Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main COBA DE FF
EUR KT Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main KTAGDEFF
EUR Intesa Sanpaolo SpA, Milan BCIT IT MM
EUR Raiffeisen Bank International AG, Vienna RZBA AT WW
EUR Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Ziraat Bankasi AS, Ankara TCZB TR 2A
EUR Türkiye Halk Bankasi AS, Istanbul TRHB TR 2A
EUR UniCredit Bank Austria AG, Vienna BKAU AT WW
EUR UniCredit SpA, Milan UNCR IT MM
GBP Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main COBA DE FF
JPY Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main COBA DE FF
NOK Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main COBA DE FF
SEK Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main COBA DE FF
TRY Türkiye Halk Bankasi AS, Istanbul TRHB TR 2A

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