

The confidence that we have acquired is confirmed by the fact that we understand needs and adjust to every business demands. We are willing to tailor our services to every company requirements, considering business development in order to completely utilizing advantage and potentials of your working. We offer financial support to your development with long term loans in the investing projects as following:

  • acquisition of the machinery and equipment, vehicles and extension of capacity;
  • reconstruction of the existing business capacity;
  • buying or building business premises;
  • refinancing of your investments from own resources, etc.

Halkbank AD Skopje in process of  financing legal entities, except own sources  of the Bank also offers  loans from credit lines. Additional information you can find on Credit lines.

Collateral: Combination of the following instruments: promissory note in form of a notary act; physical entities guarantors; mortgage on real estate, pledge on movables and rights, other collateral acceptable to the Bank.



  • Adoptable period of repayment according of the investment's return and cash flow generation periods.
  • Take out a loan with options that suits your company's cash flow.
  • Take long term loan for investment from cheap sources.

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