

Be your OWN banker and use the Halkbank’s ATM network to ease your life and save your time.

It is not necessary to wait in front of the yellow line in the branch anymore. You chose by yourself from where are you going to transfer your funds. Your transactions are much quicker and processed instantly through the ATM Newtork of Halkbank.

 ATM List



On Halkbank ATM's

  • You can transfer funds from one to another account withing the bank
  • Pay your credit card debt
  • You can get a Short report-for the last 10 transactions made with your card
  • Use your credit card as debit card, and perform transactions without fee
  • Change your pin
  • Check your account

ATM locations and map

Cash Deposit

Cash Deposit - Cash In

 With the Halkbank Cash In ATM’s, besides cash withdrawals, you can deposit funds to your bank account at any time, which means that the funds will immediately be available to your account.

All you have to do is to insert your debit card into the ATM and select deposit cash. There is no limit to the denomination of banknotes when depositing cash, the ATM accepts bills of 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1.000 and 2.000 MKD.

 User Manual
 List of Cash In ATMs 

Smart Cash

Smart Cash

Withdrawing cash from Halkbank’s ATMs without using a card.

Service designed for individuals with active transaction account and debit card which can be used via e-banking and mobile application.

The offered service provides greater flexibility in the use of cash by the e-banking users of the Bank, as well as by their closest or third parties, for which the client decides.

The mobile phone of the e-banking user turns into a cash-generating device or a device for sending cash to other persons, which at the same time do not have to be clients of Halkbank.

By choosing the SMART CESH field via e-banking or mobile application, you generate the 10-digit code which need to be used on Halkbank's ATM for a period of 12 hours.

Now it’s possible! Cash withdrawal without a card in a very few steps.

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