Corporate governance

Good corporate governance contributes to sustainable economic development, improved business results, operational efficiency, cost reduction, increased asset value and better company reputation. All these segments are crucial for the successful operation of a business entity, including a bank.

That is why Halkbank implements sustainability-oriented corporate governance practices because it enables further progress. Corporate governance helps us implement a business sustainability strategy, manage goal setting and reporting processes, strengthen relationships with external stakeholders and ensure full accountability.

Such practices are based on our strong concern for the future that encourages us to be socially responsible and innovative, because these things ensure sustainability. Several aspects are key in our operation: financial results, organizational culture, social impact and impact on the environment.

The bank's strategic goal from the beginning of its operation on the Macedonian market was to become one of the leading banks in the sector by achieving stable growth, socially responsible operations and a high level of profitability. We are permanently achieving the set goals and as the fastest growing bank in a relatively short period of time we managed to become one of the five largest banks in the country and one of the systemically important banks. At the same time, considering that we live in a time when digitalization is gaining momentum and has direct implications in all spheres of the economy, we strive to follow these trends and are a real promoter of technological changes. Technological development implies new competition for the banking sector and potential channeling of end users to new intermediaries in the execution of transactions and settlements, from where greater efficiency and cost reduction is expected.

Halkbank has established a system of functioning in which the motto of the bank comes to the fore - People are important. Satisfied customers and satisfied shareholders are a priority for us. And all this is not possible without well-trained employees, which is achieved by organizing internal trainings to improve operations. The bank is also recognized for its social responsibility, providing constant support to projects that contribute to the development of the community, with a special emphasis on encouraging healthy lifestyles and environmental protection.

We aim to be where the growth is, enabling businesses and the economy to thrive while helping people fulfill their hopes and realize their ambitions. Building strong relationships with stakeholders helps us deliver our strategy in line with long-term values and manage the business in a sustainable way.

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