Halkbank A.D.


HALKBANK is one of the biggest and strongest brands in the Macedonian financial market.

As the fastest growing bank in the market, Halkbank AD Skopje today also means:

  • Employment for over 760 employees.
  • Wide network of 45 branches.
  • Wide network of ATMs and active POS-terminals available at numerous trading partners.
  • Serving thousands of citizens as well as small, medium and corporate enterprises and public institutions.
  • Leaders in offering personalized banking services, as well as introducing new technologies and providing fast service through a highly developed, modern alternative channel platform.
  • A socially responsible company dedicated to enhancing the common good of people, nature, the environment, culture and sports.

The bank offers a wide range of financial services including personal banking, credit cards, home loans, consumer loans, savings, business loans, as well as payment operations at home and abroad.


Our Vision

Our vision is to be the leading regional bank that is capable of fulfilling all the requirements of universal banking while affirming a strong presence in retail services.


Our Mission

Our mission is to create value for our customers, shareholders and employees by effectively delivering all banking services; be aware of our corporate social responsibility and duty; to contribute to the development of the banking sector and the capital market; and to achieve a respectable market position in the region.


Our Corporate Values

  • Customer orientation
  • Reliability
  • Integrity and respect
  • Righteousness , trust and transparency
  • Operational efficiency  
  • Innovation
  • Creating values
  • Productivity
  • Openness to change
  • Sharing knowledge and experience
  • Social responsibility awareness


HALKBANK– meaning of the name: Bank of the People

Our slogan: People matter


Our main principles

  • Offer great service to our customers, suggesting the best solutions for their needs.
  • Create and apply a successful corporate culture, giving importance to every member of the team we build.

Halkbank A.Ş.

HALKBANK Turkey (Turkiye Halk Bankası A.Ş.)

Halkbank was founded in 1938 with the aim of supporting artisans, traders and accelerating economic development, thus becoming one of the steadily growing, well-established, pioneering and renowned brands of the Republic of Turkey.

Halkbank has been a pioneer in the development of the Turkish banking sector for 85 years, and continues its mission to support the real sector in the Republic of Turkey.

The bank offers its customers a unique banking experience in over 1,000 branches in the country, 6 branch offices outside the country, 1 directorate, 3 foreign representative offices, over 4,000 ATMs and highly modern internet and mobile banking.

In line with its brand meaning, it puts people - customers, traders, farmers, small, medium or large business owners and employees first, noting that the reason for its existence is to support them with financial opportunities, in good times and in bad times.

The bank is considered a market leader in support for small and medium enterprises.

Halkbank is the biggest supporter of the economy, but also of the entire society, environment, sports and culture in the Republic of Turkey, and is considered one of the most successful and strongest brands on the Turkish market.



  • 2023

    Halkbank has expanded its range of products and services to better meet the diverse needs of its customers. The introduction of the Women Entrepreneur Package marked a significant milestone in supporting women in business.

    Within the framework of the campaign "Let's hear and hug them", which aimed to send a powerful message that being older is not an obstacle, but it’s a source of wisdom, the first conference was organized where successful people from the older generations took part and passed on their wisdom to the younger ones.

    Under the HulkEco platform, Halkbank organized the fourth edition of the Halk Velo Green bike race on September 8. The funds collected from the subscriptions were used for afforestation in Berovo, contributing to a healthier environment.

    And in 2023, Halkbank continued its support for sports, with partnerships with the Macedonian Handball Federation and the support of various races around the country.

    In the field of culture, it sponsored numerous film festivals and organized its first corporate exhibition with domestic artists. The funds collected from the exhibition were intended to support homeless children.

  • 2022

    In 2022, Halkbank significantly devoted its attention to the elderly people, applying activities in several stages, in cooperation with several categories of citizens: pensioner associations, homes for the elderly people, schools and kindergartens throughout the country.

    Starting from the idea of making the older generations feel that we need them and showing them that they still have a lot to give, Halkbank sent a strong message – the old age is not an obstacle, but a source of wisdom.

    “Let’s hear them and hug them” was aimed at raising awareness of the value of the older generations and the magnitude of their love, due to which we are built today as an empathetic individuals for whom the family is the main priority.

    On September 8, under the umbrella of the HalkEco platform, the third edition of the Halk Velo Green bicycle race was held and the collected funds from the participation fees were used for afforestation in Kocani.

    Award for best socially responsible project in the field of environmental protection – HalkEco was received from the Ministry of Economy.

    Award for best socially responsible project with a significant impact in the field of literature and literature for young people – Halki’s picture book, from the Macedonian Publishing Agency.

  • 2021

    In line with the activities of socially responsible character, on September 8, 2021, in Mavrovo, the second edition of the Halk Velo Green bicycle race was held, which is already becoming a tradition. With the funds collected from the registration fees for participation in the race and under the umbrella of the HalkEco platform, Halkbank AD Skopje enabled the planting of 7,700 trees in Sv. Nikole. With the help of the activitites of the eco-projects of the Bank, during 2021, a total of over 15,000 trees have been planted.

    In 2021, the Bank committed itself to satisfying the needs of primary schools, and in that direction provided donations for the construction of an eco-inclusive playground in Tetovo, a sensory garden in a primary school in Ohrid. This year, Halkbank provided funds for constructing Halk Corner in the city park of Gostivar.

    In order to contribute to ensuring life quality for every child, Halkbank AD Skopje provided funds and conceptual design for the creation of the "Halki Picture Book", whose funds from the sale, were intended for a donation to the "SOS Children's Village".

    Named "Best Financial Brand in the Country, 2021" by Global Brands Magazine.

  • 2020

    Halkbank AD Skopje is the first bank in the country to bring a decision to postpone the repayment of all credit liabilities (loans, credit cards and allowed overdrafts on a transaction account) for a period of 6 months.

    In order to reduce visits to its branches during the pandemic, Halkbank AD Skopje for all individual entities enabled performing of all transactions in denars to be free of charge and without commission through the e-banking and m-banking services.

    On September 8, 2020 in Mavrovo for the first time a time trial bicycle race HALK VELO GREEN was held organized by Halkbank AD Skopje as a sign of the Bank's tendency to promote healthy living habits and contribute to environmental protection, as evidenced by HalkEco platform through which Halkbank counts over 17,000 donated trees in different Macedonian cities during 2020, renovation of pedestrian bridges in the city park in Skopje and construction of a new park Halk Corner in Leptokaria, Municipality of Karposh.

    Was awarded as the "Best Retail Bank in Macedonia in 2020" by the world's leading magazine "Global Banking & Finance Review".

  • 2019

    Award for contribution to the development of entrepreneurship in Central and Southeast Europe "Creators of the Century" for 2018.

    Story Award for socially responsible company.

    Super Brand for 2019.

    Launched HalkEco application in order to raise the ECO awareness of the people, motivating people to maintain a healthy life and as a reward, gives them personal gifts. As part of this ECO project, the bank has planted over 6,500 trees throughout the country.

  • 2018

    New corporate slogan.

    Official sponsor of National Handball Federation

    Bought an Insurance company – Halk Insurance Skopje

  • 2017

    Was awarded as the "Best SME Bank in Macedonia for 2017" by the world's leading magazine Global Banking & Finance Review.

    Halkbank AD Skopje has been selected as Superbrand in Macedonia for 2017/18 by the International Organization “Supebrands”.

  • 2016

    Ranked among the top 100 SEE banks by assets.

    Introduced its mobile applications for e-banking for individuals and legal entities making another step towards improving customer experience.

    Was certified according to highest-ranking international standard for information security regarding processing payment cards PCI DSS v3.1.

    In December 2016, Halkbank AD Skopje implemented the highest standards for security and safety in internet payments in the country and abroad, 3D Secure –Verified by Visa – VbV, and MC Secure Code protocol.

  • 2015

    Halkbank AD Skopje introduced new platform for e-banking that combines the best from technology and contemporary banking trends and enables clients to get all banking services with only a few clicks.

  • 2014

    Halkbank AD Skopje became a proud, general sponsor of the Macedonian Basketball Federation.

  • 2013

    Opened the first Macedonian representative banking office in Belgrade, Serbia and was the first Macedonian bank which launched MASTER CARD PayPass contactless payment cards.

  • 2012

    HALKBANK AD Skopje established its own card processing system – first on the Macedonian market to offer contactless payment to clients; acquired Ziraat Bank AD Skopje and opened the first VIP Corporate Branch on the Macedonian market.

  • 2011

    HALKBANK AD Skopje purchased the majority of the shares in IK Banka amounting up to 91.56%; completed the rebranding process and enlarged its principal with MKD 1,465,450,000.00.

  • 2010

    Obtained two new certificates: MASTER CARD certificate for POS payments and e-commerce and ISO 9001:2008 certificate for quality.

  • 2009

    Became the first Bank in Macedonia which offers e-commerce services for VISA CARDS holders.

  • 2008

    Established its own POS Terminal Network for VISA Payment Cards and it was the first bank to launch VISA GOLD Credit Card.

  • 2007

    Was awarded Best Bank in Macedonia for 2007 by the Finance Central Europe magazine from London.

  • 2006

    Introduced the prestigious ISO Standard for Information Security Management, ISO 27001:2005, thus becoming one of the few banks in Southeast Europe having incorporated this certificate.

  • 2005

    Introduced the EN ISO 9001:2000 International Quality Management System, thus becoming the first bank in Macedonia certified with International Quality Management System.

  • 2004

    Became the first bank which implemented e-banking on the Macedonian market and was awarded Bank of the Year by the Macedonian Chamber of Commerce.

  • 1998

    Became the first Western Union authorized agent in Macedonia.

  • 1993

    HALKBANK AD Skopje was established as a joint stock company.

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