Message from the chairman of the supervisory board Osman Arslan


In 2023, Halkbank AD Skopje once again confirmed its position as one of the largest and strongest brands on the Macedonian financial market. Even in the conditions of a tight monetary policy, the Bank managed to offer the most competitive products on the market, which resulted in growth both in lending and in the deposit base, growth in assets and of course a respectable profit was achieved.

Each crisis is an opportunity. To analyze the responses, plans and procedures, tools and assets allows to identify lessons and make recommendations for improvements. Since the economic crisis continued in the past year, with a weaker intensity, of course, it allowed us to learn to work in the conditions of a changed monetary policy, with an increase in interest rates, something completely different from the previous years. The achieved results are certainly proof that we were on the right track.

We are extremely grateful to our dedicated employees, team members, and of course to the customers and shareholders who have placed their trust in us. Thanks to them, Halkbank AD Skopje is the fastest growing bank with a wide network of branches, ATMs and active POS-terminals available at numerous trading partners and a bank that serves thousands of citizens, as well as small, medium and corporate enterprises and public institutions.

In 2024, we will continue to respect the principles that have served us well over the years, so our position as a bank will continue to be strong. We will continue to follow banking trends and expand the range of innovative products and services in order to be the first bank to implement and bring them closer to the Macedonian market. We will continue to pay special attention to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, which are very important for the economy and who will be able to find a reliable partner in us; but also every medium and large company that we are ready to support in their growth efforts.

Social responsibility will continue to be one of our priorities by supporting culture, sports, education, inclusiveness, older generations, vulnerable categories and of course ecology. We, as an eco-oriented company, through various campaigns and a large number of implemented actions and initiatives, make really great efforts to make a visible contribution to a better, cleaner and healthier environment for everyone. But also towards encouraging greater responsibility among every actor in society and raising awareness that we all have the same home - planet Earth, and that we should take care of what kind of home we will leave to our children and future generations. Preserving forests, but also the overall well-being of our planet, is something that concerns us all and an obligation that we must not allow ourselves to stop, especially when it comes to our local community.

The bank's strategic goals in the coming period will be maintaining the position of one of the leading banks in the sector, achieving stable growth and a sustainable level of profitability as a path to sustainable banking and socially responsible action to achieve a greener world and a sustainable future.

This year, at the same pace, we continue to create value for our employees, for our shareholders and for North Macedonia with all our activities in the light of our multidimensional sustainability strategy.

With respect,
Osman Arslan, chairman of the supervisory board

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