Fees and Contiditons
Target group: Independent SMEs* (with less than 250 employees on an indeterminate period)
Loan amount: 5.000 EUR-666.700 EUR (project amount should not exceed 25 million EUR)
Tenor: 2-3 years (including 6 months grace period)
Terms of repayment: Equal monthly installments
Interest rate: 5,5%
Administration fee: up to 1%
Collateral: Combination of the following instruments: promissory note in form of a notary act; physical entities guarantors; mortgage on real estate, pledge on movables and rights, other collateral acceptable to the Bank
Excluded sectors:
- Manufacturing of weapon and amunition and similar products;
- Equipment for lottery and casino games and similar equipment;
- Manufacturing, processing and distribution of tobacco;
- Activities including life animals for experimental and scientific objectives;
- Activities encouraging negative effects on the environment;
- Sectors which are controversal on ethical and moral basis or which are forbidden by the national law;
- Development of activities with real estate;
- Only financial activities. For example, trading with financial instruments;
*SMEs are considered to be independent if:
- Less than 25% of the equity belongs to another company;
- 25% or more of the equity belongs to another company, but the group employs less than 250 people;
- 25% or more of the equity belongs to state body (usually municipality) and the same has annual budget less than 10 million EUR and less than 5000 residents;
- Up to 50% of the equity belongs to companies or institutions which aim is to promote SMEs (such as angel investors, universities or non-profit centres for research, institutional investors etc.)